Diegem, 4 June 2024 - Data center specialist LCL has published its second sustainability report, in which it announces its new Board of Directors and sets out its key achievements for 2023. LCL also carried out a double materiality assessment as part of its preparations for compliance with the European Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). This was done on a voluntary basis, confirming LCL’s pioneering role in the data center world.

‘LCL is not afraid to take on a leading position when it comes to innovation and embracing new technologies that enhance performance in the area of ESG', explained Els Demeester, chairwoman of LCL's Board of Directors. ‘That is why LCL is investing no less than €120 million in sustainability and the company's expansion. Continuing to invest in innovation, preferably in co-creation with customers, is crucial for achieving growth targets and ESG objectives. Moreover, LCL does not act in isolation. The data center company shares its knowledge and acts as a business consultant for its partners so that they can also make progress in the area of sustainability. LCL also evaluates how its suppliers contribute to its ESG efforts. In this way, LCL is able to create a ripple effect throughout the value chain.’

New Board of Directors

As part of LCL's growing focus on good governance, the company has a new Board of Directors. Following an extensive selection process, four external directors were appointed in September 2023. Els Demeester, Ingrid Daerden, Danielle Devogelaer and André Autrand have taken up a mandate alongside Laurens van Reijen, LCL's Managing Director.

‘The diverse composition of our Board of Directors plays a crucial role when it comes to retaining our leading position and focussing on environmental sustainability and the creation of economic and social value', explained Laurens van Reijen, Managing Director of LCL Data Centers. ‘Each member of the board brings different experiences to the table, providing a broad knowledge base for management and staff as well as external stakeholders.’

LCL's Second sustainability report

ESG facts and figures for 2023

The following are just some of the results LCL achieved in the area of ESG in 2023:

Environmental impact:

  • 44% decrease in LCL's environmental footprint compared to 2020 (the base year);
  • From 2,000 to 3,300 solar panels at LCL Wallonia One.
  • 84% renewable energy at all LCL data centers.

Social impact:

  • Employee engagement score (PEI) of 87%. This score reflects how committed and loyal a company's employees are;
  • 98 training days per employee in 2023;
  • Employee attendance rate of 94.12% at internal events;
  • The basic elements for setting up a sustainable bonus plan;
  • Six NGOs and not-for-profit organisations were supported by LCL: Close the Gap, Vites, Oxfam, (W)Onderweg, SOS Kinderdorpen and Het Balanske.

Governance-related impact:

  • New Board of Directors;
  • Staff e-learning module to enhance ISO knowledge and reinforce the anti-bribery and corruption policy, among other things.


On the way to EU CSRD compliance

At the moment, LCL applies the voluntary sustainability reporting standards for unlisted SMEs. The company has, however, decided that it will apply the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) for large companies and listed SMEs in anticipation of its compliance with the CSRD.

In connection with this, LCL determined the materiality of various topics, sub-topics and sub-sub-topics, and identified the applicable ESRS disclosure requirements. More specifically, LCL carried out a double materiality assessment in accordance with the latest guidance of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG). Given its ambition to align its reporting with CSRD and the underlying ESRS, LCL recalibrated its sustainability approach based on the three main categories applied in the ESRS: environmental topics, social topics, and governance-related topics.

The double materiality assessment helps a company determine which topics are of material importance by assessing the impact, risks and opportunities for each topic. LCL took two perspectives into account. The first was the impact materiality perspective, which focuses on the impact LCL has on the environment and/or society in relation to a specific topic. In the second perspective, LCL assessed financial materiality, in other words the potential impact on its future financial performance. A double materiality assessment combines these two perspectives. The double-materiality assessment process led to the identification of 14 sustainability topics that are of material importance for LCL. A detailed analysis can be found in the report. 

Curious to read our second sustainability report and learn about our efforts? Visit our sustainability website

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