Party responsible for data processing

This is the s.a. LCL n.v. website
Kouterveldstraat 13
1831 Diegem - Belgium
VAT number BE 0457.116.458

Your personal data, our responsibility

On the LCL website we collect personal data. This data is managed by our company.

When you visit our site we save:

  • your domain name (IP address) when you visit our web pages
  • your email address if you would place messages/questions on this website
  • your email address if you would communicate it to us
  • all information with regard to the pages of other websites you consulted in order to go to our site
  • all information with regard to the pages you consulted on our website
  • all information you provided voluntarily (for instance research information and/or site registration)


This information is used:

  • for internal commercial purposes
  • to improve the contents of our website
  • to individualise the contents and the lay-out of our pages to suit each individual visitor
  • to inform you about any possible site updates
  • to possibly contact you later for immediate marketing purposes


The use of cookies

A cookie is a small file that is sent by an Internet server and that installs itself onto the hard drive of your computer. This file maintains data during your visit to the Internet site and contains some information about this visit. On this site we use cookies

  • to register your personal information such as the links you have followed in order to reach our website
  • to register your previous activities on the website in order to provide you with better services at the next visit

More about our cookie policy



When we receive or transfer your data on our website, we always use the coding technologies that are acknowledged by the current standards within the IT sector. We have taken the necessary safety measures in order to prevent the loss, the unauthorised use or the alteration of information we receive on our site.

How to contact us with regard to our privacy policy?

If you wish to receive more information about our privacy policy, feel free to contact us

  • via e-mail: [email protected]
  • by telephone: +32 2 709 70 20
  • by regular mail: s.a. LCL n.v. - Kouterveldstraat 13 - 1831 Diegem - Belgium


When you inform us about your postal address via the web

You will receive periodic mail from us, with information about products and services and upcoming events. If you do not (or no longer) wish to receive such mail, please contact us at the above-mentioned address.

When you inform us about your telephone number/cell phone number via the web

You could be contacted by telephone by our company with regard to information about our products and services and upcoming events. If you do not (or no longer wish) to receive such telephone calls, please contact us at the above-mentioned address.

When you inform us about your email address via the web

You could be contacted by our company via email with regard to information about our products and our services or upcoming events (for immediate marketing purposes) if you have given us your explicit consent or in case you are already customer and you have given us your email address. If you no longer wish to receive such emails, please contact us at the abovementioned address.

Rights of the registered person

On request, visitors are allowed access to all information we keep of them. If you wish access to this information, please contact us at the above-mentioned address. On request, we offer visitors the option to correct any incorrect information that we have of them. If you wish to correct your personal information, please contact us at the above-mentioned address. If you think that our site is not in accordance with our privacy policy, please contact us at the above-mentioned address.

Changes and notification of this privacy policy

LCL could use the consumer information for new purposes, which have as yet not been covered by our privacy policy. In that case we will inform you, before using your personal information for these new purposes, of these changes and to give you the option to refuse your participation.