The 29-page document was written by an expert on data connections, and provides a summary of the different types of connections available, such as dark fiber, MPLS and other technologies, as well as the technical requirements (bandwidth, maximum response time, etc.) associated with each type of connection. The RFP encompasses all of the points that need to be covered in the Service Level Agreement (SLA) concluded between the provider and the customer, enabling the customer to make the best choice in full knowledge of the facts. The document can be handed to potential providers, which can use it to produce a detailed proposal.
“Not every company has the expertise they need to select a telecom partner,” Laurens van Reijen, LCL's Managing Director, explained. “We want to help reduce the knowledge gap between customers and providers, and therefore enable customers to make a well-informed choice, which is why we are offering this document free of charge to all existing and potential customers. It will help them ensure they don't overlook any important details when selecting their connection with the data center. We want to provide our customers with the best possible service, and that starts before any of their hardware is installed in our racks.”
If you are interested, please call LCL on +32 2 709 70 20 or send us an
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